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Company Introduction

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  • 101 - 200 People
  • US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
  • North America, South America, Eastern Europe
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The QUEEN Company have been manufacturing natural LOOFAH bath products since 1938. Selecting high quality materials has established QUEEN as a successful pioneer in this field, in the local and international market. Our & quot; secret & quot; is our knowledge, experience and love for nature, leading to a satisfied clientele. NATURAL COSMETIC IS OUR GOAL. NATURE VEGETABLE SPONGE LOOFAH is one of the few enviromental friendly daily usage products, solely made of Egyptian LOOFAH plant and unbleached towelling made of pure cotton. QUEEN LOOFAH sponges Unique advantages are beneficial for body care: exfoliating the skin they remove the dead cells that block skin pores and improve blood circulation and Cellulite Conditions. The QUEEN'Scompany have been manufacturing natural LOOFAH bath products since 1983. Selecting high quality materials has established QUEEN as a successful pioneer in these field, in the local and international market. Our secret is our knowledge, experience and love for nature leading to a satisfied clientele. 1-LOOFAH is natural vegetable plant which grows in Egypt. *This LOOFAH has been disinfected and sterlized. 2-LOOFAH is one of the Few Environmental friendly Daily Usage Products, Solely Made of Egyptian LOOFAH Plant And Unbleached Towelling Made Of Pure Cotton. *LOOFAH Sponges Unique Advantages are Beneficial For Body Care; Exfoliating The Skin They Remove The Dead Cells That Black Skin Pores And Imorove Blood Circulation And Cellulite Conditions. 3-Any LOOFAH Is Natural and Look Similar But Quality Differs. *From Tens of LOOFAH. Queen LOOFAH Is Carefully Selected To Have Thick Tex. Ture To Last Longer In Your Bathroom. *Only Queen LOOFAH Is Selected To Have Thick Fibers To Give You And Your Family The Following Healty Benefits. *Thick Fibers Stimulate Your Circulatory Systems Through Massage. *It penetrates The skin cells it From Inside To Outside, protecting Your Family From Bacteria Growth That Cause Skin Problems. It Helps Activating The Nerve-System Under Skin And Make You Feel More Active After Bathing. *It Helps To Redistribute The Fatty Cells Under Skin Specially In The Areas Of Legs And Waist To give You More Healty And Beautiful Looking Body.
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Trade & Market

  • North America , South America , Eastern Europe

Factory Information

  • 126 Mohamed Kuriam St. El-Manshia 8th Floor 802, Yantai, Shandong
  • 101 - 200 People